Indiana Legal Name Change: Get Expert Guidance & Support


    The Ins and Outs of Indiana Legal Name Change

    Changing your legal name in Indiana can be a complex and confusing process, but it doesn`t have to be. Whether you`re getting married, divorced, or simply want to change your name for personal reasons, understanding the legal requirements and procedures for changing your name in Indiana is essential. This post, dive everything need Indiana legal name change.

    Legal Requirements for Name Change in Indiana

    Before going into the nitty-gritty details of the name change process, let`s first understand the legal requirements for changing your name in Indiana. According to Indiana Code 34-28-2-2, any person may petition the circuit or superior court for a change of name. The petitioner must provide a reason for the name change and must not have any ulterior or illegal motive in seeking the name change.

    Process Name Change Indiana

    Once met Legal Requirements for Name Change in Indiana, begin process filing petition circuit superior court county reside. Petition must include following information:

    Required Information Description
    Legal Name Your full current legal name
    New Name new name wish adopt
    Name Change A valid reason for the name change

    Case John Doe`s Name Change Journey

    John Doe, a resident of Indianapolis, recently went through the name change process in Indiana. Able successfully change name John Doe John Smith providing court A valid reason for the name change meeting necessary legal requirements.

    Final Thoughts Name Change Indiana

    While the process of changing your legal name in Indiana may seem daunting, it`s important to remember that it`s entirely possible with the right guidance and understanding of the legal requirements. By following necessary steps providing A valid reason for the name change, successfully change name start new chapter life.

    For more information on Indiana legal name change, don`t hesitate to reach out to us.

    Indiana Legal Name Change Contract

    This Contract Legal Name Change (“Contract”) entered date last signature below Petitioner Court state Indiana.

    Petitioner: [Petitioner`s Name]
    Court: [Indiana Court Name]

    WHEREAS, Petitioner desires to legally change their name and has filed the necessary petition with the Court; and

    WHEREAS, the Court has jurisdiction to consider and grant such petitions pursuant to Indiana law.

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

    1. Court consider Petitioner`s petition legal name change accordance laws state Indiana.
    2. If Court grants Petitioner`s petition, Petitioner comply requirements procedures legally changing name state Indiana.
    3. Court`s order granting legal name change final binding judgment matter.
    4. This Contract constitutes entire agreement parties respect subject matter hereof supersedes prior contemporaneous agreements understandings, written oral, relating subject matter.
    5. This Contract may amended modified writing signed parties.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.

    Petitioner: Court:
    [Signature] [Signature]

    10 Popular Legal Questions about Indiana Legal Name Change

    Question Answer
    1. Can I change my name in Indiana? Oh, absolutely! Have right change name Indiana long not so fraudulent illegal purposes. It`s a fairly straightforward process, but it`s always a good idea to consult with a lawyer to ensure everything is done correctly.
    2. What is the process for changing my name in Indiana? The process involves filing a petition with the court, providing valid reasons for the name change, and attending a court hearing. After the court approves the name change, you will need to update your identification, social security card, and other important documents.
    3. Do I need a lawyer to change my name in Indiana? While it`s not required to have a lawyer, having legal representation can make the process smoother and ensure all the necessary paperwork is filled out correctly. It`s highly recommended to seek the assistance of a lawyer to avoid any potential complications.
    4. Are restrictions name choose? Generally, free choose name like long not fraudulent illegal purposes. However, the court may deny a name change if it`s deemed to be offensive or intended to deceive others.
    5. How long does the name change process take in Indiana? The process typically takes a few months from the time the petition is filed to the court hearing. However, it can vary depending on the caseload of the court and any complications that may arise.
    6. Can I change my child`s name in Indiana? Yes, petition court change child`s name. However, both parents typically need to give consent for the name change, or the court may require notification and an opportunity to object from the non-consenting parent.
    7. Do I need to publish a notice of my name change in a newspaper? In Indiana, it is generally required to publish a notice of your name change in a local newspaper. This provide public opportunity raise objections name change.
    8. Can I change my name after a divorce? Yes, change name after divorce part divorce decree. If not so time divorce, still petition court name change afterwards.
    9. Can I change my name if I have a criminal record? Having a criminal record does not automatically disqualify you from changing your name. However, the court may consider your criminal record as part of the evaluation process for the name change.
    10. How much does it cost to change my name in Indiana? The filing fee for a name change petition in Indiana varies by county, but it typically ranges from $150 to $200. Additional costs may include publication fees and any legal representation you choose to seek.